About Me

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Hey! My name is Hillary and I live in Texas! I am a teacher turned stay at home mom with my 3 year old daughter! I also have a 7 year old son! I love doing fun activities with my kids, helping other teachers and spending time with my sweet husband!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to the Grind!

I haven't checked in in a few weeks, but honestly not much has happened! I like months like that; low key and relaxing! Rex and I have done A LOT of playing...Mommy has had to get very creative with things to keep Rex from getting bored. Even then...I know he is ready to be back with his friends at school. He loves being home but I think he still gets bored. Too bad it is a billion degrees outside...we do not get much time outside to play. Tomorrow we are headed to Terrell to do a little back to school clothes shopping! I am looking foward to getting him out of the house for a while! :) Here a few pictures with captions to update the last few weeks!

He's gotten very attached to many of his stuffed animals this summer! Here is him giving kisses to a giraffe Aunt Shelley made for him and brought to the hospital when I was giving birth! :)

We had our first donut this summer! He liked it at first, then not so much! :) Look at that bed hair!

We busted out the bubble mower! When the bubbles ran out...there was a stand off!

After his nap one day...this is one of his quiet times of the day. He liked to do his best thinking after his naps.

One of the cool mornings we decided to go outside and play!
Here is my last week day with my boo...I go back to work Monday. I am so proud of his growth this summer and of the little boy he is becoming. Rex, I have loved every second of these past 2 months with you. I love you so much and I am so blessed to be your mommy!
To all mommies going back to work...I feel your pain. I love my job but I love my son more than life itself. He is precious to me but I also know that daycare is good for him. He has great social skills and they teach him so many wonderful things. Love on your baby and know they will be just fine. :)
Keep tuning in for monthly (maybe more) updates of the Kiser Family! We are busy beavers but I love giving our family and friends updates on our little world. Have a great weekend!

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